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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Rivista "J-Reading"

Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography

Editor in Chief:

Gino De Vecchis (Italy)

Associate Editors:

Clare Brooks (UK)
Cristiano Pesaresi (Italy)
Joseph P. Stoltman (USA)
Sirpa Tani (Finland)

Editorial Support:

Davide Pavia, Italy

J-Reading (www.j-reading.org) was born with a basic aim: to highlight and valorise, with a scientific contribution at international level, the relationship existing in geography between research and didactics, strategic for the development of the subject.

The two terms are not antithetical and do not regard definite contexts, but complement each other and combine together for a solid cultural education able to accommodate both educational-formative and analytical-interpretative needs.

PRINT ISSN: 2281-4310 ONLINE ISSN: 2281-5694
Site: http://www.j-reading.org

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