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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Rivista J-Reading n.1-2022

Journal of research and didactics in geography

a cura di Gino De Vecchis


In questo numero:
Riccardo Morri, Geography’s preeminence: Italian Commission for the Knowledge and Study of Geography at School
Roberto Scandone, Lisetta Giacomelli, The activity of Italian volcanoes represented in ancient maps and frescoes from Middle Age to Renaissance
Cristiano Pesaresi, Sofiane Atek, Corrado De Vito, Vincenzo Cardinale, Filippo Bianchini, Simone Novelli, Marco Eugeni, Massimo Mecella, Antonello Rescio, Luca Petronzio, Aldo Vincenzi, Pasquale Pistillo, Gianfranco Giusto, Giorgio Pasquali, Domenico Alvaro, Paolo Gaudenzi, Marco Mancini, Paolo Villari, The ECO4CO project among retrospective data, improving of algorithms, predictive hypothesis and future perspectives to tackle health emergencies 
Stefania Cerutti, Paola Menzardi, Alpine health tourism and sustainable wellbeing perspectives in the high
Ossola valley (Italy)
MAPPING SOCIETIES (Edited by Edoardo Boria and Tania Rossetto)
Henri Desbois, Autun’s map and the mysteries of Roman cartography
Marianna Daniele, Using geobrowsers and VR platforms to empower students’ awareness of sustainability issues
Erica Neri, Stefano Malatesta, Geographical education and visual: lessons from the past. A brief comment to Cristiano Giorda’s – L’immagine del mondo nella geografia dei bambini (FrancoAngeli 2021)
Riccardo Morri, Activities of analysis, education and territorial animation linked to objectives of prevention/countering of the risks of early school dropout in young people with a migratory background

Anno: 2023
Pagine: 92
Formato: 20,5 x 28,5 cm
Peso Kg: 0.147
Colore: Con illustrazioni
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN cartaceo: 9788833655116

Rivista J-Reading n.1-2022
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