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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Decline of the Soviet Union

Economic and political reasons for the dissolution of an empire
€9.50 – €19.00

The book “Decline Of The Soviet Union and Political Reasons For The Dissolution of an Empire: consequences of a new political and economic order”, is an attempt to seek the roots of our ambivalence toward Russia and of Russians’ ambivalence toward their own country. It focuses on the variety of identities, which Russia has assumed over the centuries.

The aim of this book is to provide a basis for analyzing and understanding the aspects of existence of Soviet Union, the reasons of her collapse and the perspectives that Russia has today.  The disintegration of Soviet Union has left Russia searching for a new basis for its security policy and grappling with the question of whether Russia is a superpower or ‘just’ a regional great power.

This book also explores several lines of thought in respect to Georgia’s independence, both its frustrated attempt in 1918, and its recent successful transition to independence, because of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nothing said here is intended as a definitive judgment. The purpose of the book is to stimulate discussion, debate and reflection.

Neno Gabelia was born in Gali, Georgia. In 1993 due to the war, In Abkhazia, she with her family was obliged to live hometown Gali (Today occupied by Russians) and to transform to Tbilisi, where she finished school and gained Bachelor degree. After university years, she got Erasmus mundus scholarship and moved to Italy for her master studies. She was working for Millennium challenge Georgia and OSCE Parliamentary assembly. She is author of several publications in Political Science. Nowadays Neno is researcher at La Sapienza university of Rome and lives in Italy with her husband.

Anno: 2017
Pagine: 142
Formato: 24 x 28 cm
Peso Kg: 0.188
Colore: B/N
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN cartaceo: 9788868127282
ISBN digitale: 9788868128142

Decline of the Soviet Union
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