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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Rivista "Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences"

Schermata 2015-05-08 alle 10.55.58

Editor in chief

  • Salvatore Milli

Associate Editors

  • Marco Brandano
  • Johannes Pignatti

Editorial technical support

  • Laura Teresa Di Pietro
  • Maurizio Salvati


  • Pierfrancesco Conversano


The main objective of the journal is to assemble scholarly contributions on the many different aspects of the geology of the Mediterranean, a greatly complex and still controversial area. A further aim is to highlight the basic and applied research carried out by academic institutions and research centres of the Mediterranean region. Prerogative of the journal is to provide the opportunity to publish long, high-quality articles, and rapidly (without pages limit).

In Open Access here: http://jmes.it

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