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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Project Know to Grow pilot study UK-IT. Peer Visit and Seminar Sheffield
Acts 26-30 June 2016


27 June – Peer visits – Sheffield
Interactions between social systems and life system in Sheffield. Meeting Sandra Potestà and Penny Lewis
Sheffield Futures. Meeting Lynne Hilson
Woodthorpe Development Trust. Meeting Karen Deenen
Mental Health by Sabrina Catini

28 June – Peer visits – Barnsley
Barnsley Men’s Shed by Philip Jackson
Social Innovation projects by Eleonora Sebastiani
Conclusions by Linda Burgess, Mayor of Barnsley

29 June – Seminar Sheffield
Bashir Khan, Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) Equality Lead – Sheffield Council
8 Contents
Cllr Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Community Services and Libraries, Sheffield Council
Giovanni Terzulli, Mayor of Ciampino
From the Municipality to the District by Maria Laura Boccolo
Know to Grow by Maria Pisaturo
Sheffield’s approach to tackling domestic abuse by Helen Phillips-Jackson
Domestic Abuse by Simona Campi
Phatological gambling ASL RM6 Distretto3 di Irene Pianozza
Sheffield Together. A new cohesion framework for the city by Angela Greenwood
Social cohesion in locality based communities by Antonietta Bellisari
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Young People by Steve Slack
The Ciampino family counselling unit by Rita Carosini
Objectives and strategies of youth policies in Sheffield by Janine Dalley
Pilot study on young people in Sheffield by Sandra Potestà
Young people as an analysis category. Strategy and Future Actions by Antonella Ciocia

Anno: 2018
Pagine: 82
Formato: 22 x 15.5 cm
Colore: Quadricromia
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN: 9788833651613

ProjectProject Know to Grow pilot study UK-IT. Peer Visit and Seminar Sheffield
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