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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Paving the Way for Greener Central Banks. Current Trends and Future Developments around the Globe

a cura di Nicola Bilotta e Fabrizio Botti (edited by)


Climate change has quickly become one of the most pressing challenges of our society. Financial actors could play a key role in supporting and fostering a shift towards a low-carbon economy. In this context, central banks could have a primary function in both tackling climate-related risks and the ones related to the transition and, potentially, proactively redirecting resources towards green initiatives. Central banks are indeed exploring how different types of climate-related risks and considerations could be incorporated into their activities. However, this effort is proceeding at a different speed and with a different geometry across the globe. This edited volume aims at shedding light on how central banks and international financial institutions are currently addressing climate change worldwide, with a focus on central banks in the European Union, the United States, Asia, Africa and Latin America, and on the potential role of the International Monetary Fund, sovereign national funds and ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) standards.

Nicola Bilotta è responsabile di ricerca presso lo IAI dove lavora su progetti di economia politica internazionale, economia digitale e “geofinance”.

Fabrizio Botti è responsabile di ricerca per l’area di economia e finanza all’interno del programma “Multilateralismo e governance globale” dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) e Intesa Sanpaolo Fellow.

Anno: 2022
Pagine: 190
Formato: 24 x 17 cm
Peso Kg: 0.265
Colore: Quadricromia
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN: 9788833654973

Paving the Way for Greener Central Banks. Current Trends and Future Developments around the Globe
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