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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Passengers’ rights and carriers’ liability

Two new Regulations: Reg. (E.U.) No. 1177/2010 and Reg. (E.C.) No. 392/2009

di Donatella Bocchese


Only few months ago the Italian provisions ruling the maritime transport of passengers and their luggage were affected by a significant reform, because their scope was consistently limited by two regulatory acts of the European Union Institutions and namely by: Regulation (E.U.) No. 1177/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 24th November 2010, concerning the rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterways and amending Regulation (E.C.) No. 2006/2004, and Regulation (E.C.) No. 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23rd April 2009 on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents. This paper aims at analyzing the content of the new measures and the effects that they have produced on the corresponding provisions of the Italian Codice della Navigazione (Navigation Code) and in particular on the standards concerning the duties of protection charged on the carriers.

Donatella Bocchese, Ph.D., is researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, where she is lecturer of Diritto della navigazione (i.e., aviation and maritime law) in Science of Tourism Degree Course. She is author of several publications consistent with her scientific field, including, e.g., La rifusione della disciplina comunitaria sulla prestazione dei servizi aerei (Reg. CE N. 1008/2008), in Estudios de Derecho aéreo: Aeronave y liberalización (Directores: Fernando Martínez Sanz – M.a Victoria Petit Lavall), Madrid – Barcelona – Buenos Aires 2009, 311 ss.; Possibili evoluzioni della veste giuridica dell’ENAC. L’ENAC come agenzia amministrativa, in Prospettive per un governo dell’aviazione civile in Italia. Quale veste giuridica per l’ENAC (a cura di APAC), Napoli 2011, 107 ss.; La disciplina delle restrizioni operative per il contenimento delle emissioni acustiche generate dagli aeromobili civili, in Cuestiones Actuales de Derecho aéreo (M.J. Guerrero Lebron, Coord.), Madrid – Barcelona – Buenos Aires – São Paulo, 2012, 97 ss. She also wrote a monograph entitled: L’ipoteca sulla nave in costruzione, Napoli, 2008.

Anno: 2013
Pagine: 164
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
Peso Kg: 0.229
Colore: B/N
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN cartaceo: 9788868120344

Passengers’ rights and carriers’ liability
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