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Edizioni Nuova Cultura


Pisa in the Middle Ages: archaeology, spatial analysis and predictive modeling

This volume represents the third edition of a work cycle that started in 2006 for my PhD thesis. The thesis was presented in 2010 (first edition, Gattiglia 2010), partially published as a summary monograph in 2011 (second edition, Gattiglia 2011) or in articles (Gattiglia 2012, Gattiglia 2012a, Gattiglia 2011a), and now (third edition) takes the form of a more comprehensive publication in the light of new data. Over the past two years, the work study on Pisa, not only relating to the Middle Ages, continued within the MAPPA (Metodologie Applicate alla Predittività del Potenziale – Methodologies Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity) project, allowing a widespread collection of data thanks to which it was possible to explain more fully the hydro-geological, geomorphological and topographic context and to check (and in many cases change) part of the assumptions made.

Anno: 2014
Pagine: 216
Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm
Peso Kg: 0.388
Colore: Quadricromia
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN cartaceo: 9788868120948

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