Collana "IAI Research Papers"
[:it]Scientific Supervisor:
Lorenzo Kamel, responsabile di ricerca dello IAI
The IAI Research Papers are brief monographs written by one or more authors (IAI or external experts) on current problems of international politics and international relations. The aim is to promote greater and more up to date knowledge of emerging issues and trends and help prompt public debate. A non-profit organization, IAI was founded in 1965 by Altiero Spinelli, its first director. The Institute aims to promote understanding of international politics through research, promotion of political ideas and strategies, dissemination of knowledge and education in the field of foreign policy. IAI main research sectors are: European institutions and policies; Italian foreign policy; trends in the global economy and internationalisation processes in Italy; the Mediterranean and the Middle East; defence economy and policy; and transatlantic relations.
ISSN:ย 2239-2122
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