Decolonising (Knowledge on) Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Insights on Shared Histories and Futures
16,00 €
As statues linked to imperial and colonial practices are torn down across the world, meaningful global conversations are questioning the iniquities of the present, the medium to long term effects of colonialism, and settled moral standards from the past. All this is of particular relevance also to Euro–Mediterranean relations, as the Mediterranean has been on the interface of European colonial and imperial history in the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. Several scholars have pointed out that Europe has for long been hesitant to address a number of aspects and implications connected to this history, casting a shadow on Euro–Mediterranean relations. This book aims to shed a deeper light on this past and its legacy and to provide additional elements to decolonise knowledge, while also addressing Euro–Mediterranean relations in the present. This engagement is still at an early stage, and yet, it is of crucial relevance to put Euro–Mediterranean relations on a more equal footing, while setting the stage for a future towards reconciliation in a space which is ever more conflictual.
I Curatori
Daniela Huber è responsabile del Programma Mediterraneo, Medioriente e Africa dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). È inoltre editor della rivista accademica The International Spectator e docente a contratto presso l’Università Roma Tre, dove tiene un corso in International Politics (laurea magistrale). Ha lavorato alle Nazioni Unite e presso la Friedrich Ebert Foundation e ha condotto ricerche in diversi paesi del Medio Oriente, trascorrendo tra l’altro cinque anni a Gerusalemme. Ha organizzato convegni in numerosi paesi del Medio Oriente, tra i quali l’Iran, la Giordania, il Libano, il Marocco, la Tunisia e la Turchia.
Lorenzo Kamel è Professore associato di Storia contemporanea presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino— dove è titolare dei corsi di “Entangled Histories: India, Sub-Saharian Africa and the Middle East”, “History of the Middle East and North Africa”, e “Colonial Spaces and Post-Colonial Studies: History and Methodologies” — e direttore delle collane editoriali dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
Anno: 2022
Pagine: 92
Formato: 14 x 20 cm
Peso: 116 g
Colore: B/N
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN cartaceo: 9788833654911
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