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Edizioni Nuova Cultura

Collana "Icom Ceca - Best Practice"

[:it]International Council of Museums
Conseil International des Musees
Consejo International de Museos

Editor in chief:

Emma Nardi

Scientific board:

Emma Nardi, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Cinzia Angelini, Università Roma Tre, Italia
Ani Avagyan,National Gallery of Armenia, Armenia
Pino Monaco, Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies, USA
Željka Jelavić, Ethnographic museum – Zagreb, Croatia
Ana Margarita Laraignée, Centro Cultural Alfonsina Storni – Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ayumu Ota, National Museum of Japanese History, Japan
Arja van Veldhuizen, Landschap Erfgoed Utrecht, the Netherlands
Daniel Castro Benitez, Casa Museo Quinta de Bolívar and Museo de la Independencia, Colombia
Juliette Fritsch, Peabody Essex Museum – Massachusetts, USA
Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Université de Montréal, Canada
Nicole Gesché-Koning,Académie royale des Beaux-Arts & Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique
Sonia Guarita do Amaral, Independent Museum Educator, Brazil
Marie-Clarté O’Neill, Institut national du patrimoine – Ecole du Louvre,France
Stéphanie Wintzerith, Independant evaluator and visitor research, Germany


Cinzia Angelini

Evaluation criteria:

All the texts published in this collection are blind peer-reviewed according to the following criteria: originality and relevance of the text proposed; theoretical consistency with the thematic areas of the collection; methodology and appropriateness of the research tools; language correctness and impact of the analyses.
This collection gathers the results of the research and professional activities of the members of the Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
ISBN: 0253-9004
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